It has been pretty quiet around here for the past week or so. (as usual, we're boring)
I went to the doctor last Thursday to see when I can return to work. He told me I can return on the 24th with no restrictions. Yeah! I think? I have really been enjoying the time off. But, oh well, back to the grindstone!
When I took my note to work letting them know that I was returning on the 24th, they offered me a different position and asked if I can return sooner. So, I am returning on the 13th for 1/2 days and will be a Production Clerk. Working in the same department I was in but I will be taking care of all the inventory and orders. At least I think that's what I'll be doing. Once again, I am in the dark about what my job entails.
I will still have to go to Physical Therapy until I return for my last check at the doctor's on August 17th.
It will be nice to get back into a routine and get Paige back to daycare. She really misses the other kids. I have been taking her a couple days a week for a couple of hours each time, but it's not the same for her. She may be a little difficult to get back into a routine, though. The last 3 mornings she hasn't gotten out of bed until 10! I think she's getting ready to have another growth spurt. She complains of her legs hurting, she eats like a pig and sleeps alot more! Definite signs! She already stands a head taller than most kids her age. She's definitely her dadddy's girl!
We have been enjoying spending time at the pool. She's such a little fish. I just put here water wings on her and away she goes. I stay within an arms reach of her and she puddles all around the pool.
Cameron is on vacation this week with his friend, Mike. Their family has a time-share at Okoboji and invited him along. He's called me once (I think Mike's mom made him) and told us what a great time he is having. It was very nice of them to invite him along. He and Mike are great friends and get along great. I just hope they do after a week together.
Josh has had a few weeks off of racing. The first weekend by choice when he went to Kansas City but last weekend he was getting the car ready to go and found a leak in the transmission. So instead of going racing, he took the tranny to Boone to get fixed. I REALLY hope the car is back together this weekend so he can race. He NEEDS to race! 'nuff said! You all know what I'm talking about.
Last Saturday when he got home from Boone, we grilled out and played horseshoes in the yard. Same stuff we did on the 4th of July. A few weeks ago our neighbors had an auction and I picked up a horseshoe/ring toss yard game for a couple of dollars. You wouldn't believe how much fun we've had playing with that thing!
Then on Sunday after Cam left, we went to see "Cars" again. Paige loved it as much the second time! And I think Josh liked it just as much!
Well, that about sums it up for us. Hope everyone is having a great summer!