Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Birthday, Paige!

We celebrated Paige's 4th birthday today. Her birthday is actually tomorrow, but with Josh and I both having to work we decided to celebrate early.

Actually, her birthday will probably be celebrated all week. We gave her a present yesterday. She got a Dora the Explorer bicycle. Since it was so nice out yesterday, she got it early so she could enjoy it for an extra day.

Paige and I got up early this morning to make her birthday cake and some cupcakes to take to daycare tomorrow.

After lunch, we took her to the movie "Barnyard". So cute! She laughed through the whole thing. And, like normal, Cam was just "too cool " to enjoy it thoroughly.

After the movie, we invited Grandma Ellen and Grandpa Roger and Great Grandma and Grandpa Hohensee to eat supper with us at Pizza Hut in Humboldt. We then enjoyed cake and ice cream at our house and Paige opened some more cards and presents. Thanks for all the gifts, everyone!

Tomorrow she celebrate her birthday at daycare with the cupcakes baked in ice cream cones. They are so much fun! She will also get her favorite supper, and no, it's not going to be a bologna sandwich. She has already requested spaghetti.

On Thursday, she will celebrate her birthday at Pre-School. She is taking the treats and will get to wear the birthday crown!

I'm sure by the end of the week she'll think she's 6!

1 comment:

shannon said...

Happy Birthday! My daughter will be 4 in a few months, fun! I made those ice cream cone cupcakes for our block party last month and they were very popular (and easy to make also). I'm not really much of a baker/cook so it was an accomplishment. :) I just found your blog so am enjoying catching up. S. Mefferd