Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Tonsils Are Coming Out

Today Paige went for another visit with Dr. Gonzales, the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. The steroids are not shrinking her tonsils at all. She has been taken off all her medications.

She is scheduled for a tonsilectomy on January 27th. Since she is so young, she will be spending the night in the hospital.

When Dr. Gonzales told Paige she'd be able to eat all the ice cream she wanted after the surgery, she replied to him (with typical Paige attitude), "I already get all the ice cream I want, my dad's an ice cream man, duh". I'm sure that's usually a big deal to all the kids getting their tonsils out. But most kids don't have an "ice cream man" for a daddy!

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